Friday, January 23, 2009

1/23/08 My Life

Dear Diary,
In this entry I am going to be writing about when Anne Frank had written a quote in her diary. Her quote said "In spite of everything, I still believe people are good at heart." In a way I agree with this quote because when she was in the hidding with her family and the Van Danns during the time of the Holocaust, they had people helping them such as Mr. Kraler and Miep. With out them, The Franks and the Van Danns wouldn't have any place to hide nor have any food to eat. I guess Anne believed that because of the fact that since she was stuck in the Annex for all most three years, she must have started to a appreciate all the things that Mr. Kraler and Meip have done for her. Mr. Kraler and Miep were ones who were good at heart because despite what was happening, they still risked thier lives to help their friends that were Jewish and also when buying the food for seven people with out looking suspicious almost every week for a year. I think something like that would have to come from the heart. I would also have to agree with Anne because from personal experiences, when you think that you surrounded by bad people, there will always be some one who is still good and will be there to help you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

1/11/08 My Life

Dear Diary,
I am going to write about a quote that Anne Frank's father, Otto said to her during there time of the Annex. During the time of hiding, Otto Frank said to Anne "Always remember this Anne, there are no walls, no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind." When Otto Frank had told her that, he was trying to give Anne a sense of comfort towards her. He was trying to say that if they did end up getting caught in hiding and end up going to a Concentration Camp, no one could ever control her mind or control what she was thinking. The Nazis could do anything to dehumanize a Jewish person but they can never control a person's mind or tell them what to think. The Germans could have made a Jew feel like an outcast or a person that is worth nothing or touchier them, make them perform back breaking labor, kill and starve them but they can never take a person's thoughts away. No one can ever make another person think that they are nothing because no one can control another person's mind. No one can stop you from thinking what you want to think no matter what anyone says or does to you. I agree with this quote because no can control your mind unless you let them.